

Cookies are small files saved on your device (computer, tablet, phone) which collect various data to allow exchanges with our system via your Internet browser. There are two types of cookies: session cookies which are deleted as soon as you close your browser; temporary/permanent cookies which are saved for a variable duration even after closing the browser. Cookies make your navigation easier (for example by pre-filling your connection information or saving your basket from page to page), improve the security of data processing and offer a better, more personalized shopping experience (recommendations based on your history, etc.) Cookies are not essential for browsing ECO FIRE. However, the operation of the site and our services may be limited by the absence of cookies. You can configure your browser to subject the recording of cookies to your authorization (consult your browser's help for the procedure to follow). If you only wish to refuse cookies from our service providers and partners, you can select “block third-party cookies” in your browser settings.
Cookies allow our system to recognize repeat visitors when they access the site, but no personal information is stored in these files. They only record pseudonymous data and communicate encrypted with the site.